Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

What's Psychology, Guidance, Conseling, Consultation & Psychoterapy ?

  • Psychology is sincetific study of human behavior and mental process (keyword P = Behavior + Sincetific + Mental Process)
  • Guidance is a total process of giving assessment of qualified person to another person for purpose of understanding , development potention , solving the problem, making wise decision.
  • Conseling is a face to face interaction between conselor and client to proven assessment to purpose of guidance's purpose, etc.
  • Consultation is a process are carried by a professional in specific areas , then consultant is an expert , qualified or professional.
  • Psychoterapy an extended of conseling, there are treatment.

2 komentar:

  1. Hello Dimas
    Thank you for creating this blog.
    Your blog content is too short. You need to elaborate more with your own words. Please do so in the next posting.
    thank you


  2. Oke, i'll try to nex post, please see and give a comment new post about PC sir
